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Season One

Reena Friedman Watts Guest Podcast Thumbnail with Play Button

Episode 12: Jerry Springer, Growing a Podcast to 100,000 Downloads, and Damn the Public!

Reena Friedman Watts wanted to work at WGN in Chicago.

That didn't work out, and, in a serendipitous manner, plan B became a gig on the Jerry Springer show.

And while Jerry Springer was an early influencer on her career, Reena's dad is perhaps the biggest of all.

Listen to any episode of the Better Call Daddy show, and you'll understand.

Listen to this Dirt Road Journeys episode as Reena shared some of her story.

Connect with Reena:



AliNicole WOW DRJ Guest Podcast Thumbnail

Episode 11: Niche Down? You May Want to Reconsider

Anyone in business has heard it before...

Find your niche.

Speak to a smaller, more specific segment of your audience and deliver a more customized product or service to them.

The idea is that this targeted approach will lead to more sales with less effort.

But what if you had more than one niche?

What if you could provide your customers with a variety of products and services to meet multiple needs within your ecosystem?

Walmart does.

Costco does.

And AliNicole WOW does.

Listen and learn her strategy to create a coaching and consulting department store experience.

Find AliNicole here:




Sam Maxton DRJ Guest Podcast Thumbnail

Episode 10: When You Carry a Toolbox but Also Need a Briefcase

We need tradies, as they're called in Australia - those who make their living with tools, skill and craftsmanship.

There was a time when the big push was to get a university degree, and working in the skilled trades was a plan B or C.

Thankfully, that's changing, but those tradespeople are often also trying to be small business operators, and there isn't a lot of overlap in knowledge and skill set.

Sam Maxton helps with that and more.

Listen to find out how.

Find Sam here:





Nausheen Ishtiaq Chen DRJ Guest Podcast Thumbnail

Episode 9: New Cultures and New Opportunities

Startups. They were the initial target market for communications consultant Nausheen Ishtiaq Chen.

But living in China and having international experience, she soon found her skills in demand for something else - teaching how to resonate with markets in the West.

Listen to how this entrepreneur is bridging cultural gaps.

Connect with Nausheen here:



Dirt Road Journeys Guest Star Doug Thompson

Episode 8: Techsplaining Post-Job Entrepreneurship

Doug Thompson comes from a generation that had a more stable career journey than what often happens today. But he's not about to take the proverbial gold watch and disappear. He has an entrepreneurial journey as a podcaster to pursue.

Listen to Doug Thompson:



Connect with Doug:


Twitter: @thedougthompson

Instagram: @thedougthompson

Dirt Road Journeys guest star pic Heather Langton

Episode 7: Royalty, Philanthropy and Increased Profits

Most people who wear a crown are born into the position it comes with.

Heather Langton earned her crown after trading in a hard hat, and she wears it proudly.

Her ability to coach companies to increase profits made her known as the profit queen, and the crown has been a part of her brand ever since.

While she enjoys coming up with profit generating strategies, perhaps her more nobel mission is helping give people with criminal records a second chance through entrepreneurship.

Come and listen.

Connect with Heather Langton:





[email protected]

Dirt Road Journeys guest star pic Scotty Schindler

Episode 6: Catching Waves with the Right Business Systems

Scotty Schindler built a $1.125 trillion real estate software business serving Australia and New Zealand.

He exited and retired early.

And he's a champion surfer.

Win-win-win is what Scotty lives by, but it's not all about creating wins for himself.

You won't want to miss the business insights he shares in this episode of Dirt Road Journeys!

Connect with Scotty Schindler here:








Dirt Road Journeys guest star profile pic Lila Smith

Episode 5: Finding Your Way Through What You Say

Lila Smith retired from acting in New York City after 10 years in the business.

During that time she learned a thing or two about good communication that impacts an audience, but it took some exploration to figure out how she would apply that expertise going forward.

After moving several times, she is now settled in an area where her business can thrive and her family is nearby.

Listen and learn from her journey.

Visit Lila:



Dirt Road Journeys guest star profile pic Rob Statham

Episode 4: Virtual Adaptaion in an Evolving Service Sector

Rob Statham made a career out of sharing his adult beverage expertise at corporate functions, private parties, and on television.

Then along came a pandemic, and it became particularly challenging for entrepreneurs like Rob who depended on delivering in-person services.

But Rob found a way to adapt his business to the digital space.

Listen as he shares his views on the service sector, how things are changing, and how he plans to thrive into the future.

Reach out to Rob:





Instagram: @thedrunkengrape

Twitter: @thedrunkengrape

Dirt Road Journeys guest star profile pic Kristin Sherry

Episode 3: Written in the Stars

Kristin Sherry didn't set out to become a best-selling author, but it's amazing where our journey will sometimes lead us.

Listen to Kristen share how she began writing, and how she now has several top books under her belt.

Kristin's coordinates:



Dirt Road Journeys guest star profile pic Ira Bowman

Episode 2: From Fired to Fired Up and Thriving

Ira Bowman was a career salesman in the print business, and he was very good at it, so losing his job wasn't a thought he had ever considered. Then the pandemic hit, and even the very best in many industries experienced layoffs as businesses struggled. Ira was among them. But rather than set out to compete for another job in print, he decided to start his own company. It turned out to be a good decision. Very good. Listen to his story.

Find Ira here:








Dirt Road Journeys guest star profile pic Terry Bean

Episode 1: Hopping the Fence and Rising From the Ashes

Detroit-based business growth coach and relationship marketing expert Terry Bean shares his story about the ups, downs, the way-downs and the rebounds of his journey through working for others and eventually working for himself.


Reach out to Terry:


